Faggot Humiliation Phone Chat
When will Mistress give you a dose of Faggot Humiliation?!
Although you may desire faggot humiliation, until you submit to Her, until you are Force Femmed by her, not much will happen, faggot!! Of course, Mistress will sissify you as only in sissy clothes will you be ready for extreme humiliation at her hands!!
While you may think that femmed up you look totally gorgeous, the truth is vastly different, faggot! Besides looking like a slut you actually resemble nothing more than a poor parody of a real woman, not convincing in the slightest! But you knew that before you started a faggot humiliation session with Mistress!
To put in another way you look like a FILTHY cock-sucking male in drag – everyone can see you for what you are! In this case Mistress will arrange for you to suffer the most extreme faggot humiliation possible! And that means cock!
What’s more, as faggots need cock that will definitely be the next on the list, after a complete feminisation! In spite of you protesting that you are not gay, on the face of it the evidence looks rather different, doesn’t it, faggot? In fact you dirty sluts suck cock and take cock up the arse, despite being in total denial! Of course all that means is that Mistress will have you humiliated by men with HUGE cocks – for her pleasure and your faggot humiliation! In truth faggots like you suck cock and seek to be humiliated to the nth degree. Mistress will threaten to expose you to friends and family and loves to see you duck and dive and to escape what you surely know is coming!